
Scacchi libri PDF 1800-1899

1800 - 1899
1801 Francesco Giacometti, Nuovo giuoco di scacchi; ossia, giuoco della guerra
1801 Wilhelm Kock, Die Schachspielkunst nach den Regeln und Musterspielen des Gustavus Selenus
1803 William Jones, Studies of Chess, vol I
1803 William Jones, Studies of Chess, vol II (Containing Caissa, a poem)
1804 Thomas Pruen. An Introduction of the History and Study of Chess; to which is added The Analysis of Chess di André Danican Philidor
1804 Philipp Stamma, Beyträge zum unterricht
1805 Francois Danican Philidor, The elements of chess
1806 Francois Danican Philidor, An Easy Introduction to the Game
1808 Edmond Hoyle, Mr. Hoyl's Game of Chess
1808 J.H. Sarratt, A Treatise of the Game of Chess
1810 Studies of Chess: cointaining Caissa, a poem by sir. William Jones
1810 Marco Girolamo Vida, La scaccheide (pometto)
1811 Johann Allgaier, Neue theoritisch praktische
1812 Francois Danican Philidor, Chess made easy
1813 J.H. Sarrat, The works of Damiano, Ruy-Lopez, and Salvio on the game of chess
1815 Francesco Cancellieri, Dissertazione
1817 Montigny, Stratagems of chess: or, A collection of critical and remarkable situations
1817 William Stopford Kenny, Practical chess grammar
1818 William Stopford Kenny, Practical chess exercises
1819 W.S. Kenny, Analysis of the Game of Chess
1819 William Lewis, Gioachino Greco on the game of chess
1819 G. Pohlman, Chess Rendered familiar
1819 by an Oxford Graduate, Observations on the automaton chess player
1820 Giuseppe Ciccolini, Tentativo di nuovo giuoco di scacchi
1820 Chess made easy (contiene anche The Morals of Chess di Benjam Flanklin)
1820 W. Huneman, Chess: a selection of fifty games, from those played and the automaton chess
1821 André Danican Philidor, Analyse du Jeu des Echecs
1822 Marco Girolamo Vida, Il giuoco degli scacchi (poemetto tradotto dal latino da Ascanio Morosini)
1824 Philipp Stamma, Il giuocatore solitario di scacchi
1824 Philipp Stamma, Il giuco degli scacchi
1825 William Lewis, The first and the second games of the martch by London and the Edinburgh
1833 William Lewis, Elements of the game of chess
1824 Francesco Cancellieri, Il giuoco degli scacchi
1824 Philip Stamma, Il giocatore solitario degli scacchi
1827 William Lewis, Elements of the Game of Chess
1829 Jacopo da Cessole, Volgarizzamento del libro de' costumi e degli offizii de' nobili sopra il gioco degli scacchi
1829 The Games of the match at Chess played between London and the Edinburgh
1831 Ercole del Rio, Sopra il giuoco degli scacchi
1831 Emilio Giusti, Le sottigliezze degli scacchi esposte in una raccolta di 160 partiti
1832 Michele Colombo, Il giuoco degli scacchi renduto facile ai principianti
1832 William Lewis, A second series of lessons on the game of chess
1833 George Walker, A new treatise od chess
1833 LC La Bourdonnais, Nouveau traité du jeu des échecs
1835 George Walker, A selection of games at chess, actually played by Philidor and his contemporaries
1836 Teodoro Ciccolini, Del Cavallo degli scacchi
1836 Alexander McDonneld, A selection of games at chessactually played in London
1836 Palamede (Rivista) vol. I
1837 Palamede (Rivista) Vol. II
1837 Ulysse Desroches, Trattato elementare del giuoco degli scacchi
1837 William Lewis, Chess for beginners
1838 Palamede (Rivista). Vol. III
1838 The Philidorian (Rivista diretta da George Walker)
1838 MDS, Compendio de los elementos teoricos y practicos del juego del ajedrez
1839 Sissa (Rivista)
1841 George Walker, Il segreto del famoso automa
1841 The Chess player's chronicle, (Rivista diretta da Howard Staunton)
1842 The Chess player's chronicle, (Rivista diretta da Howard Staunton)
1843 The Chess player's chronicle, (Rivista diretta da Howard Staunton)
1844 Eduard Maria Oettinger, Bibliothek des Schachspiel 
1845 The Chess player's chronicle, (Rivista diretta da Howard Staunton)
1845 Souvenir of the Bristol Chess Club
1846 The Chess player's chronicle, (Rivista diretta da Howard Staunton)
1846 Lionel Kieseritzky, Cinquante partie jouées
1846 La Palamede (Rivista)
1847 The American Chess Magazine
1847 The Chess player's chronicle, (Rivista diretta da Howard Staunton)
1847 La Palamède (Rivista)
1849 The Chess player's chronicle, (Rivista diretta da Howard Staunton)
1849 Joseph Kling, The Chess Euclid
1850 The Chess player's chronicle, (Rivista diretta da Howard Staunton)
1850 George Appleton, TheChessplayer hand-book
1850 La Régence (Rivista)
1850 Sissa (Rivista)
1851 La Régence (Rivista)
1851 Sissa (Rivista)
1851 George Walker, Chess & Chess-players
1851 La Régence (Rivista)
1852 Adolf Anderssen, Aufgaben für Schachspieler
1852 Kling - Harwitz, The Chess Player
1852 Howard Staunton, The Chess Tournament
1853 Luigi Centurini, Del finale di Torre e Cavallo contro Torre
1853 La Bourdonnais, Nuevo tratado del juego de ajedrez
1853 Sissa (Rivista)
1854 The Chess player's chronicle, (Rivista diretta da Howard Staunton)
1855 The Chess player's chronicle, (Rivista diretta da Howard Staunton)
1856 Charles Tomlinson, Chess player's annual
1857 Athenaeum Philadelphia, The games played by Athenaeum Philadelphia and the New York Chess Club
1857 Löwenthal: Era Problem Tourney
1857 Sissa (Rivista)

1858 Bilguer-Lasa, Handbuc des Schachspiels

1859 La Rivista degli Scacchi
1859 D.Willard Fiske, The Book of the first Chess American Congress
1859 The Chess Montly vol. III (rivista diretta da Fiske e Morphy)
1859 Charles Kenny, The Manual of Chess
1860 La Régence (Rivista)
1860 JA Miles, Chess Gems
1860 Duncan Forbes, The history of chess
1860 Carlo Usigli, Miscellanea del giuco degli scacchi
1860 Sissa (Rivista)
1861 The Chess player's chronicle (Rivista)
1861 Arnous De Riviere, Nuovo manuale illustrato del giuoco degli scacchi
1862 La Régence (Rivista)
1862 The Chess player's chronicle (Rivista)
1863 Heorge Allen, The Life of Philidor
1863 La Régence (Rivista)
1864 Robert B. Wormald, The Chess Openings
1864 The Chess Player's Magazine
1865 J. B., of Bridport: Chess Strategy
1865 Deutsche Schachzeitung (Rivista)
1866 F. Healey: 200 Chess Problems
1866 The Chess Player's Magazine
1867 Arrigo Boito, L'alfier nero (Racconto)
1867 La Stratégie (Rivista diretta da Jean Preti)
1867 The Chess World vol. II (Rivista)
1868 Francesco Ansidei, Precetti fondamentali sul giuoco degli scacchi
1868 Serafino Dubois, Le principali aperturedel giuoco degli scacchi
1868 La Stratégie (Rivista diretta da Jean Preti)
1868 American Chess Nuts
1868 The Chess World vol. III (Rivista)
1869 The Chess World vol. IV (Rivista)
1873 V. M. N. Portilla: Chess Problems
1875 Robert B. Wormald, Chess Openings
1878 Ph. Klett: Schachprobleme
1881 F. C. Collins: Selection of Chess Problems
1881 Jean Dufresne: Sammlung leichterer Schachaufgaben, I
1882 Jean Dufresne: Sammlung leichterer Schachaufgaben, II
1885 C.W. of Sunbury: Chess Problems
1887 J. W. Abbott: 121 Chess Problems
1887 Jean Dufresne: Sammlung leichterer Schachaufgaben, III
1889 J.J. Löwenthal, The Chess Congress of 1862
1889 William Steinitz, The Book of the Sixth American Chess Congress
1890 Otto T. Bláthy: Vielzügige Schachaufgaben
1890 CA Gilberg, Crumbs from the Chess-Board
1892 British Chess Magazine
1893 H.E. Bird, Chess, history and reminiscences
1895 Henry Ellis, Chess Sparks